Premier Li visits GE China in Shanghai


Premier Li Keqiang paid a visit to the headquarter and the R&D headquarter of GE China in Shanghai on Nov 21.

When he was informed that its newly established digital foundry is GE’s center of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, providing solutions to the US-based conglomerate and other enterprises, the Premier said that such sharing of innovation has unlimited potential.

During the tour to GE China’s science park in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Premier Li said China has 170 million highly educated professionals. They are the biggest gold mine of the nation.

China welcomes the contributions of both domestic and overseas talents, said the Premier.

Favorite policies and sound business environment attracted this transnational giant to set up its Asia-Pacific headquarter and first innovative digital foundry outside the United States in Shanghai.

GE’s choice indicates that China is still the best investment destination in the world, said the Premier.

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