Premier Li urges Shanghai to take lead in reform, opening-up


Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) on Nov 21-22, accompanied by State Councilor Yang Jing and Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng, highlighted Shanghai’s proven successes and encouraged the city to further exemplify reform.

Premier Li visited the Market Supervision Bureau of the Pudong New Area, which involved the functions of the four administrations of industry and commerce, quality supervision, food and drug, and price supervision and inspection.

On learning their proceeding of administrative approvals through online supervision, the Premier affirmed the initiative in innovation of the supervision mechanism and enhancing the government’s administrative efficiency.

The Premier also gave a food safety random check order, which would randomly pick inspectors and those who need to be inspected.

“Reform is not a simple combination of supervision functions. Instead, it should act to oversee the market and stimulate market vitality”, said the Premier, adding that it should rely on the people, as well as the system.

In terms of the information platform to handle public appeal, the Premier agreed with the move to integrate hotlines, have a timely response to public complaints and safeguard market order.

“Effective supervision is conducive to streamlining administration and delegating power to lower-level governments, improving services and reducing transaction costs, to promote the thriving of enterprises, and creativity and productivity of the people,” said the Premier.

During the tour of General Electric technology park, Premier Li learned about GE’s innovative technologies and products, and talked with entrepreneurial teams.

When he was informed that the newly established digital foundry is GE’s first innovation center outside the US, providing solutions to domestic and overseas enterprises, Premier Li said that entrepreneurship and innovation is an inevitable choice for large enterprises to unleash their advantages and upgrade growth.

The Premier said GE’s choice demonstrates that China is still one of the best destinations for foreign investors, and a country with a huge market and abundant talents.

The combination of their imagination and creativity with innovative resources at home and abroad will open up an unlimited development space, said the Premier.

According to Premier Li, China will continue its policies on further opening up and attracting foreign capital, and create a better business and investment environment, paving the way for more foreign enterprises in China to be successful.

While visiting the electronic port in Shanghai, he was delighted to see that clearance speed has risen dozens of times by integrating functions and information of different departments, setting up a single service window for foreign trade.

He said efforts should be made to promote economic and trade cooperation in the context of sluggish economic recovery. And the government should facilitate international trade by making it more convenient and open.

He urged the importance of bringing Shanghai’s successes to other ports by upgrading clearance information systems, improving China’s trade competitiveness and transforming government functions.

After being briefed about the reform, openness and innovation of Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Premier Li spoke highly of the economic and social development of Shanghai and wishes Shanghai will explore the international market further and take the lead in reform and innovation of the nation.

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