Premier Li encourages advanced manufacturing industry

2016-12-25 Beijing News

Premier Li Keqiang refueled a red truck on the assembly line during his visit to a heavy truck plant of Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co in Shiyan city, Central China’s Hubei province, on May 23. “I’m not only encouraging Dongfeng company, but also encouraging Made in China. We need quality reform to promote the upgrade of Chinese manufacturing,” said Premier Li.

Half a year later on Dec 23, Premier Li again encouraged “Made in China” in his instruction to a meeting on China’s manufacturing development. He stressed that a favorable environment should be created regarding market access, production element allocation and cost reduction; Made in China 2025, Internet Plus and mass entrepreneurship and innovation should be closely connected; entrepreneurial spirit and the craftsmanship should be encouraged.

“Industrial manufacturing is the important pillar supporting the national economy, and is also an important factor in promoting development and upgrading,” Premier Li said at a previous meeting, “Made in China 2025 should be promoted to improve the competitiveness of real economy.”

The idea of “Made in China 2025” first appeared in the 2015 Government Work Report. It then became the hot topic of the year and Premier Li’s keyword when deploying works.

The Premier mentioned many times that China is still undergoing industrialization progress, so the manufacturing industry should be driven to innovate and upgrade by the new economy. He once summarized at a meeting that the combination of internet, mass entrepreneurship and innovation and Made in China 2025 will trigger a new round of industry revolution.

Made in China 2025 needs not only technology innovation, but also quality revolution covering all industries. When visiting Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co, the Premier called for the promotion of craftsmanship. He later said at an State Council executive meeting that the public has an increasing demand for the quality of consumer goods, which promotes the transformation of the traditional manufacturing industry.

When Premier Li visited Han’s Laser Technology Industry Group in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, he again encouraged “Made in China”. At the end of the inspection, he was invited to take photos with workers holding character models of “Made in China 2025”.

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