Administrative innovation accelerates economic transition


At the State Council executive meeting on Jan 4, it was decided that governmental administration must be innovated, government services be optimized, and an environment supporting entrepreneurship and innovation and promoting traditional industries be created. Specific measures include “exploring a prudential system that is more open to innovation, and applying flexible and regulated administration measures to new industries.”

Accelerating the development of new driving power and improving traditional drivers is an important way to promote economic structure transformation and real economy upgrading. The government should transform itself during economic transformation; it should also accelerate and promote innovation.

The meeting put forward a series of major aspects regarding government administration innovation, including promoting the proper flow and sharing of innovation elements; increasing governmental purchasing power of new technologies, products and services of new companies and improving employment and social insurance regulations that match new industrial features.

Suggestions were also proposed within the industry regarding government administration innovation. For example, innovation can be based on Internet Plus to resolve difficulties in administration.

The meeting also decided to “make further efforts to relieve burdens on enterprises; coordinate the new and traditional driving power to promote a prosperous development of real economy.”

According to Miao Wei, minister of industry and information technology, in 2017, a deposit list system for enterprises will be established; functions for a query system for enterprise fee catalogue will be expanded; investigation and report platform of enterprises will be improved, and a comprehensive service platform that can relieve the burden on enterprises will be established. Meanwhile, there will be more policy support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

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