China to build a smart government


A guideline to promote the integration between internet and government service was issued by the State Council on Jan 12.

It is aimed at setting up an online platform that connects the service issues from all departments and regions across the nation by the end of 2020.

Using cutting-edge technologies such as big data and cloud computing, the platform can manifest both online and offline through PCs, smartphones, offline self-help terminals and administrative service centers.

Standardization was underlined. The guideline urged related departments to set up a unified standard and managing system of the administrative issues, including their name, legal basis and basic code.

Unified ID authentication system, payment system and electronic certification library are also to be set up to build a convenient, open and efficient government, according to the guideline.

Data will be shared by authorities at all levels and regions, as well as certificates and services, so that citizens can handle their paperwork at their convenience without having to go in person.

An evaluation mechanism will also be set up based on user experience, using third-party institutions and online supervision platforms.

The service platform will have three levels — national level, provincial level and city level, said the guideline.

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